The next step allows you to select what test series do you want to run. Usually, if it’s from the Xamarin Test Recorder, it’s just a single test. After selecting, you can confirm the selection and proceed to the testing. Xamarin Test Cloud is not for free, but it has a 30-day free trial which allows you to run your tests to three (3) devices. On the right part of your Test Recorder, you can see all of the steps generated converted into a Xamarin.UITest script.

Migrating to .NET Maui is a high priority and we need to get all our dependencies updated, including this one. We have extensive UI testing that will need to support .NET 6, and all we need to do that is this updated nuget. xamarin test cloud In this Xamarin testing guide, we shed light on the different features and capabilities that the Xamarin platform offers. Testing is an integral part of validating the performance of any website before end customers use it.


The developers can write all of their business logic in a single language that helps to achieve the desired performance in the long run. The code can also be easily reused, which optimizes performance. Xamarin is an open-source framework that offers cross-platform application development using the C# programming language. It helps to simplify your overall development and management of cross-platform software applications. If you have your application already written in C# (Xamarin), you probably should choose UITest framework because you are familiar with the language. The frameworks mentioned above (UITest or Calabash) test the mobile app functionality, but they do not interact with the app directly.

xamarin test cloud

Reports even include screenshots to help developers understand how their code is affecting the app on a visual level. The Xamarin Test Cloud provides a framework for performing automated, cloud-based app testing across more than 2,000 devices. The devices are not emulators or simulators; they’re actual, physical devices, and they are stored at a Xamarin facility that is located in Aarbus, Denmark. Every month, more than 100 new devices are added to the Test Cloud, ensuring that the latest models are up and running for developers’ testing needs. Xamarin’s framework also reportedly takes requests, so if a device isn’t on the list, the company may add it if asked.

Xamarin.Android APK Tests on Test Cloud

If everything is OK, the files will be uploaded to Test Cloud and the tests will commence. In Figure 9 you will see the Terminal window uploading the files and running the tests. Other options include the ability to filter by form factor or OS version. There is no real limit on how many devices you can select here. You can sort by useful properties such as the estimated wait time.

Developers have to perform elaborate user interface acceptance testing in order to assess the application’s usage and user interaction effectively. Xamarin Test Cloud help enterprises in automating UI acceptance testing effort. Without consuming much of tester’s effort and time, Xamarin Test Cloud assesses the application’s look, feel, functionality and performance across wide variety of devices. Testing apps across multiple devices has long been a thorn in developers’ sides. Simulators and emulators help to some degree, but bugs still easily slip through the cracks. Xamarin’s frameworks offers a fast, effective, intuitive solution.

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You should first select a device to proceed with the selection of the application. To get started with Xamarin Test Recorder, all you need to do is to download the Xamarin Test Recorder application here. For Windows, you will have to download an install a Visual Studio extension. After downloading the installer, you can just run the package file and follow the installation wizard to install the Xamarin Test Recorder. If the NuGet packages are not installed until the project builds, you could execute one the brute force method during the build to locate Xamarin.UITest package.

  • It helps you showcase your App’s features and benefits and establish credibility and build trust with potential users.
  • The Xamarin Test Cloud provides a framework for performing automated, cloud-based app testing across more than 2,000 devices.
  • Project is big and very important to be sure all applications are working excellent.
  • A great service that closes the gap on the number of devices to test on is Xamarin Test Cloud.
  • There are dozens of different mobile devices out there spanning a dizzying array of screen resolutions, form factors and other characteristics.
  • This will give us a better idea of how comparative monitoring can be done on Test Cloud to analyze an application’s behavior on different devices, and compare them with one another.
  • Is this interesting, want to learn more, or are having the same discussions in your own department?

We need your help to fund the developer time that keeps running smoothly for everyone. is made possible through a partnership with the greater Ruby community. Fastly provides bandwidth and CDN support, Ruby Central covers infrastructure costs, and funds ongoing development and ops work. I took a stab at running a set of APK tests on Test Cloud. The tests APKs are using NUnitLite, its instrumentation runner drops the test results in a directory on-device. Jenkins ingests the NUnit reports after they are pulled from the device.

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There are also couple of features you can use in the Test Recorder as you record your test. You can dismiss the keyboard by pressing the ‘Dismiss Keyboard’ button. After running the application, you will see this ‘Open’ pane wherein you can see two dropdowns for the selections of Device and Application. We’ve been developing on Xamarin long before Microsoft acquired the technology back in 2014. If you’ve got a potential Xamarin project and need to talk to someone about planning or costs, please reach out for a free consultation.

xamarin test cloud

The automated tests run on the application UI and validate the application behavior irrespective of the framework used to write the tests. Once the tests are created locally, the mobile apps and tests are uploaded to the Test Cloud. These challenges can be efficiently tackled by testing mobile applications across a wide range of devices, which can be achieved either by device remoting or through automated testing. Despite the fact that Xamarin Test Cloud comes from Xamarin, it is not a mandate that your app needs to be built on Xamarin. Any application that can run on a device can be used with Xamarin Test cloud. Such mobile applications can include hybrid apps or apps which are a mix of native and HTML5 based.

What is Xamarin testing?

Besides the actions with iOS project you need to add PCL project and install Nunit and Xamarin.UITest packages into it. With all these awe-inspiring features, there sound dark clouds too. Xamarin Test Cloud cannot be effectively used for testing certain hardware features like NFC technology and Bluetooth Pairing. But still, enterprises prefer Xamarin Test Cloud and to know more please check the official Xamarin guide.

When you log into Test Cloud, you will be taken to the dashboard. There are already a few sample apps in there for you to look at. By going through them, you can see what to expect from the test results. If your app is a Java or Objective-C/Swift app, or for that matter a hybrid web app, you could choose Calabash or Appium. You can write the scripts in whatever tooling you want and upload the scripts along with the binaries of your app. But when you think about it; the number of devices and power that you get for this money is enormous.

Writing UI Tests for the Test Cloud

You do not have to add any additional references in your code to make it run.

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