Croatia includes a unique traditions and plenty of wedding customs that make it a unique destination to marry. From ancient castles and shorelines to historical architecture and Byzantine skill, there are a lot of great consider a Croatian wedding.

Honking the horns on the way to the bride’s home is one of the more fun wedding customs in Croatia. For the reason that the groom’s side for the family hard drives over to the bride’s property (usually about 2pm or so), everyone in the car will start honking their horns because they drive down the road.

Generally this will only always be the groom’s side on the family, nevertheless it’s common for different cars to participate on the honking too. This is an excellent way to indicate the top day and have absolutely the couple how much their very own friends and family unit care!

Barjaktar: The flag carrier

A barjaktar is a individual that waves the Croatian flag on their method to the formal procedure. They are a vital part of the marriage and have as well as of being excessive, funny, and crazy.

Fortunately they are called a banner holder, and hold a special role at every Croatian wedding. They will wave the Croatian flag throughout the retraite, whooping and yelling to media hype the wedding get together up.

Rakija : the good drink

If you’re planning on having a Croatian marriage, make sure you discover how to order a rakija, which is the popular liquor. The new strong and alcohol-rich drink that is available in bottles with the Croatian checkered cockade on it.

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